The "Build vs Buy" Quandary
When building a business case for investing in PIV-I smart cards for physical and/or logical access, one of the first big decisions you'll face is whether to build a PIV-I credentialing capability, or buy credentials from a managed service. You might be wondering, "Which is right for our company? How do I even make this type of decision?"
Nobody plans to fail, they just fail to plan properly. That's because there's no cookie-cutter "one size fits all" solution for PIV-I implementations. These projects are complex with lots of moving parts, so to speak. They impact people, policies, practices, resources, finances, technological infrastructure, and more – usually on a pretty large scale.
In order to make the best decision for your organization's unique situation, you will first need a solid set of estimates that encompass durations, activities, resources (physical, personnel and technological), and costs. The estimates for PIV-I may also need to be aggregated with estimates for other related and/or concurrent cyber defense projects, to avoid inadvertently optimizing the costs for PIV-I smart cards at the expense of increasing costs of your portfolio of cyber security projects.
Estimating is often a brief activity, but has lasting impact on stakeholder expectations, proper funding, and proper positioning of your strategic initiatives within the organization.
Over- and underestimating are easy mistakes to make, especially if the organization and its resources have not bought, built, or used PIV or PIV-I credentials in the past. And that's fairly likely, since PIV-I implementations are a very specific and highly technical niche and encompass issues involving people, policies and processes, not just IT implementations.
How do you estimate, if you have no prior experience to draw from?
Fortunately, Litmus Logic is here to help. Having implemented National ID cards for entire countries as well as large scale security projects for federal governments and many of the Fortune 500, Litmus Logic has been involved in nearly every major PIV and PIV-I implementation in the U.S. As such, Litmus Logic has incredible, deep knowledge of not only the technology involved, but of the impact upon people, policies, procedures and resources – a full 360 degree understanding of every aspect of the business that such a rollout will impact.
To ensure success in this brief yet critical activity, Litmus Logic can assist you in preparing estimates, or perform an independent review of existing estimates that you might already have.
An Independent, non-biased third party
Litmus Logic is an independent and trusted authority in the PIV and PIV-I space. We are not out to promote specifically either buying or building a PIV-I capability. In other words, we don't have a stake in either approach – we're here to help you assess which is most appropriate for your organization.
Our practical, hands-on experience and expertise combined with actual, historical project information will be indispensable in producing solid estimates that will support your strategy to deliver high impact business results.
Whether you have existing estimates that you would like us to review, or you need to have project scope and estimates created, call Litmus Logic today so we can help ensure that your project is a success: 1-888-379-9940.